Prizma Research & Consulting


Public opinion research

Public opinion research and social research encompass a variety of methodologies for data collection and gaining insights into people’s attitudes, opinions, and behaviors regarding social and political issues. Here are some common types of public opinion and social research conducted by Prism Research:

  1. Opinion surveys: Opinion surveys involve collecting data from a sample of individuals to measure their attitudes, beliefs, and opinions on specific topics. These surveys often utilize questionnaires with closed-ended questions or Likert scales to quantify responses.
  2. Social attitude surveys: Social attitude surveys explore people’s opinions on social issues such as gender equality, racial discrimination, LGBTQ+ rights, or environmental issues. They help understand social attitudes and track changes over time.
  3. Tracking research: Tracking research is repeated over a specific period to monitor changes in public opinion and trends. They enable researchers to observe changes in attitudes and behavior over time, as well as assess the impact of events or campaigns.
  4. Focus groups: Focus groups bring together a small number of people to participate in guided discussions on specific topics. In the context of public opinion research, focus groups enable deeper exploration of attitudes, values, and perceptions within a group environment.
  5. Social media analysis: Social media analysis involves monitoring and analyzing conversations, sentiments, and trends on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. It provides insights into public opinion, sudden changes, and sentiment analysis of online communities.
  6. Qualitative interviews: Qualitative interviews delve deeper into the experiences, perspectives, and attitudes of individuals through one-on-one conversations. They enable deeper exploration of complex issues and provide rich qualitative insights.
  7. Content analysis: Content analysis systematically analyzes written, audio, or visual content such as news, speeches, or social media. It helps researchers understand leading narratives, media coverage, and public discourse on specific topics.

Public consultations: Public consultations involve gathering opinions and feedback from the public on political issues, proposed regulations, or joint initiatives. They can be conducted in the form of town hall meetings, public hearings, or online platforms to gather diverse viewpoints and engage the public in decision-making processes.

Marketing research

By conducting marketing research for its clients, Prism Research & Consulting gathers, analyzes, and interprets information about the market, consumers, and the effectiveness of marketing strategies. It provides insights that help clients make informed decisions about product development, pricing, promotion, distribution, and overall marketing strategy.

Prism Research & Consulting conducts marketing research using various methods and techniques, including:

  1. Market analysis: Assessment of market size, growth rates, trends, and dynamics of the targeted market or industry segment. This includes analysis of demographic data, economic indicators, and competitor analysis to understand market opportunities and threats.
  2. Consumer behavior research: Studying consumer preferences, motivations, attitudes, and purchasing behavior. This includes understanding factors influencing consumer decision-making, such as perception, lifestyle, culture, and social influences.
  3. Product research: Evaluating the performance, features, benefits, and perceived value of products or services. This includes concept testing, product testing, and gathering feedback from customers to improve existing products or develop new ones.
  4. Brand research: Assessing brand perception, brand awareness, brand value, and brand positioning in consumers’ minds. This includes measuring brand loyalty, brand associations, and conducting brand health studies to understand the brand’s strength in the market.
  5. Advertising and promotion research: Evaluating the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, promotional activities, and marketing communications. This includes pre- and post-testing of advertisements, measuring brand recall, understanding message comprehension, and assessing the effectiveness of media channels.
  6. Market segmentation: Identifying and segmenting the market into different groups of consumers with similar needs, preferences, and characteristics. This includes demographic, psychographic, behavioral, and geographic segmentation to tailor marketing strategies to specific target segments.
  7. Pricing research: Determining optimal pricing strategies by assessing price sensitivity, demand elasticity, competitive prices, and perceived value. This includes conducting price sensitivity analysis, conjoint analysis, and understanding consumers’ willingness to pay.
  8. Distribution channel research: Evaluating distribution channels, intermediaries, and logistics to optimize product distribution and effectively reach target markets. This includes analyzing channel preferences, channel performance, and assessing partner relationships within the channel.
  9. Customer satisfaction and feedback: Gathering feedback from customers to measure satisfaction levels, identify areas for improvement, and enhance overall customer experience. This includes customer satisfaction surveys, Net Promoter Score (NPS) analysis, and customer feedback mechanisms.
  10. Analiza i predviđanje trendova: Praćenje tržišnih trendova, tehnološkog napretka i razvoja industrije kako bi se predvidjeli budući uslovi na tržištu i preferencije potrošača. This includes trend analysis, scenario planning, and predictive techniques for making long-term strategic decisions.

All in all, marketing research plays a crucial role in guiding a company’s marketing efforts, strengthening competitiveness, and maximizing customer value. It provides valuable insights that help companies understand their target markets, make informed decisions, and effectively achieve marketing objectives.

Social research

Social research is a broad field of study that encompasses the investigation of human behavior, social interactions, institutions, and phenomena within society. It involves systematic research, analysis, and interpretation of social issues, patterns, and relationships. Social research aims to create knowledge that contributes to understanding and addressing social issues, informing policy decisions, and advancing theories in the social sciences. Some key areas of social research include:

  1. Research on individual behavior, attitudes, beliefs, and interactions within the social context. This includes research on topics such as social influence, group dynamics, social cognition, attitudes, prejudices, and interpersonal relationships.
  2. Sociological research: Studying social structures, institutions, organizations, and processes within society. Sociološka istraživanja istražuju teme kao što su socijalna stratifikacija, društvena mobilnost, društvena nejednakost, porodična dinamika, obrazovanje, zdravstvena zaštita i kulturne norme.
  3. Anthropological research: Examining human societies, cultures, and diversity across different geographic regions and historical periods. Anthropological research encompasses areas such as kinship systems, rituals, beliefs, language, material culture, and cultural evolution.
  4. Political research: Analysis of political behavior, institutions, processes, and systems. Political research covers topics such as political ideology, voting behavior, public opinion, governance, power dynamics, political parties, and international relations.
  5. Ekonomska istraživanja: Istraživanje ekonomskih sistema, tržišta, alokacije resursa i donošenja odluka u društvu. Economic research includes topics such as macroeconomic trends, microeconomic behavior, labor markets, income distribution, poverty, and economic development.
  6. Criminological research: Studying crime, deviance, criminal behavior, and the criminal justice system. Criminological research explores factors influencing crime, crime prevention strategies, law enforcement practices, sentencing policies, and rehabilitation programs.
  7. Health and medical sociology: Studying the social factors influencing health behavior, access to healthcare, disparities in healthcare, and health outcomes. This includes research on topics such as healthcare utilization, health disparities, social determinants of health, and healthcare policy.
  8. Education research: Investigating educational systems, processes, policies, and outcomes. Educational research includes topics such as student achievement, teaching effectiveness, educational equity, school climate, curriculum development, and analysis of education policy.
  9. Urbanističke studije: Analiza urbanizacije, urbanog razvoja, urbanog planiranja i urbanih društvenih pitanja. Urban research covers topics such as urban growth, housing, transportation, gentrification, urban poverty, social capital, and community development.
  10. Environmental sociology: Studying interactions between humans and the environment, ecological attitudes, environmental movements, and sustainability issues. Environmental sociology research addresses topics such as environmental justice, environmental activism, climate change, natural resource management, and environmental policy.

Social research employs various research methods and techniques, including qualitative and quantitative approaches such as surveys, interviews, observations, experiments, content analysis, and statistical analysis. Researchers in the social sciences strive to conduct rigorous and ethical research to generate evidence-based insights into complex social phenomena and contribute to broader social understanding and well-being.

Media research

Prism Research / Prizma istraživanja has experience in employing various methodologies to study the impact, effectiveness, consumption, and audience behavior related to different forms of media. Here are some common types of media research:

  1. Measurement of viewership, listenership, readership: Involves quantifying the size, composition, and characteristics of media audiences. This includes methods such as ratings assessments, viewer metrics measurement, audience surveys, or online analytics analysis to determine the reach and engagement of media content.
  2. Media content analysis: Content analysis explores the characteristics, themes, and messages conveyed through media content. Researchers analyze texts, images, or audiovisual material to identify patterns, frames, or biases in news, TV shows, films, advertisements, or social media posts.
  3. Advertising effectiveness research: Media effectiveness research evaluates the impact and effectiveness of media campaigns or advertising on target audiences. It involves measuring brand awareness, message recall, attitudes, or changes in behavior resulting from exposure to specific media content.
  4. Media usage and consumption studies: These studies aim to understand how audiences utilize various media platforms, channels, and devices. They investigate media consumption habits, patterns of usage, recurring behaviors, or time spent with specific media sources or types of content.
  5. Istraživanja o navikama i preferencijama medija: Ovo istraživanje istražuje preferencije, navike i motivacije medijskih potrošača. Its goal is to understand why and how people choose specific media sources, genres, formats, or platforms, and to explore the factors that influence media selection.
  6. Media ethnography involves in-depth research methods and observation to understand the behavior and habits of media consumers in their everyday lives. Researchers can observe how individuals interact with media in their daily lives, including television viewing habits, engagement on social media, or use of mobile devices.


Consulting based on research refers to providing consulting services that are grounded in research and evidence-based methodologies. This involves using research findings, data analysis, and academic insights to inform and support consulting engagements with clients. Research-based consulting firms typically leverage specialized expertise in a particular industry or field, as well as research insights, to offer strategic advice, problem-solving, and decision support to organizations. Here are a few key aspects of research-based consulting:

  1. Data-driven consulting emphasizes the use of empirical evidence, data analysis, and research findings to inform consulting recommendations. Our consultants rely on existing research literature, industry reports, market data, and quantitative analyses to provide our clients with their advice and solutions.
  2. Customized Solutions: Research-based consulting tailors its recommendations and solutions to the specific needs, challenges, and goals of each client. Thorough research and analysis are conducted for this purpose to understand the client’s industry, market dynamics, competitive landscape, and organizational context before proposing strategies or interventions.
  3. Strategic insights: Research-based consulting provides strategic insights and recommendations that can be applied based on research findings and analysis. This form of consulting helps our clients identify opportunities, mitigate risks, optimize processes, and achieve their business objectives by translating research insights into practical strategies and tactics.
  4. Data-driven decision-making: Research-based consulting encourages data-driven decision-making within organizations. This helps clients gather, analyze, and interpret data to gain insights into market trends, consumer behavior, operational performance, and other relevant metrics that inform strategic decisions.
  5. Research-based consulting emphasizes the need for continuous learning, innovation, and staying updated with the latest research and trends in the industry. Consultants invest in professional development, attend conferences, and collaborate with academic institutions to enhance their research skills and offer innovative solutions to clients.
  6. Ethical standards: Our research-based consulting adheres to ethical standards and best practices in research, data analysis, and consulting services. We always prioritize integrity, objectivity, confidentiality, and transparency in our interactions with our clients.

All in all, research-based consulting combines the rigor of academic research with the practicality of consulting to provide evidence-based solutions to our clients, driving organizational success and creating value for clients.

Quality analyses, relevant results

As one of the leading agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina for marketing, media, and social research, Prism Research & Consulting provides comprehensive services covering all stages of research, from design to presentation of results.

Our experts design and conduct various types of research, including applied and theoretical social research, marketing and advertising research, media research, as well as policy studies and analyses. Through various data collection methods such as quantitative research (surveys) and qualitative research (focus groups, interviews), we ensure that the collected information is reliable and relevant to the needs of our clients.

Data collection techniques

Prism Research & Consulting employs various methodologies to collect data and gain insights into relevant information in its research projects. Here are some of the most common methods used in research projects conducted by Prism Research & Consulting:


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Rules and rewards


ja_Mislim! is an online platform that provides access to social, marketing, media research, and public opinion polls in Bosnia and Herzegovina and beyond. Participation in such research enables all participants, citizens, and consumers to express their opinions on various social issues, products, and services.

For participating in each survey, participants are rewarded with a special incentive in the form of e-vouchers or coupons immediately upon completing the survey.

  • Rules

According to the Law on Personal Data Protection of citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Prism Research & Consulting d.o.o., as the data owner collected within the online platform ja_Mislim!, protects all personal data of participants from any unauthorized access, trafficking, or use, except for the stated research purposes. Special attention is given to protecting the anonymity of participants in the research. In no way can the responses provided by participants in the surveys be linked to their identity data.

The data collected in the research will be used exclusively for the purpose of group statistical analysis. The results of these analyses are available to our clients in the form of charts, tables, and other statistical data presentation methods.

As for the personal data of participants, it is only used in creating your account or profile, so that we can securely issue all rewards for participating in our surveys.

For participation in the online platform ja_Mislim!, registration is required.

During registration, some personal contact information of participants is provided because without this data, invitations to participate in surveys cannot be sent, nor can rewards be issued.

  • Rewards for participating in the panel

Participation in each survey will be rewarded with an e-voucher or coupon equivalent in convertible marks.

Participants receive e-vouchers or coupons in the form of a code or password on their mobile phones or via email. These e-vouchers or coupons can be used at stores such as DM, Bingo, and others across Bosnia and Herzegovina. Some e-vouchers or coupons may be paid out in the form of top-ups for any prepaid account, on any mobile phone, with all major telecom operators in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Payment via e-vouchers is usually made within 24-48 hours after completing participation in the survey.

Receiving e-vouchers, coupons does not entail any costs on the participant’s side. E-vouchers are sent to the participant’s mobile phone via SMS/Viber message, or via email.

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